Ship Life

Grease Lightning Go Grease Lightning!

Tell me about it stud! I’ve always been a big fan of the movie Grease and thought a Grease Lightning party would be super fun. For my birthday, we celebrated the themed party in the Officers Bar on the ship. In order to have this party in the first place,… Read More

Birthdays On Cruise Ships

Birthdays while working on cruise ships can sometimes feel unimportant due to being far away from family and friends, but they can actually be super fun and memorable. The first time I had my birthday on a ship, I played a drinking game with some friends the night before and… Read More

Staying Fit on a Cruise Ship

On a cruise ship, staying fit is the number one priority for an entertainer. Being fit does not mean going to the gym 24/7 but entails proper nourishment, rest, and conditioning. Dancing on a cruise ship is very difficult because it requires performing on a rocking ship, which results in… Read More

Life As A Cast Member While On Board

Life as a cast member is a blast. As a cast member, one usually has more privileges then a regular crew member on a cruise ship. Many crew members say the cast are somewhat living a lavish lifestyle, similar to the guests vacationing on board, but that is not completely… Read More

Life as a Cast Member Before Embarking

Before embarking for a cruise ship contract, there are a few things that take place for a hired cast member. Generally, a month or two before the embarkation date, a cast goes through a training process to learn the choreography of the show packages (number of shows in a show… Read More

Life On Board as a Crew Member

Life on board as a crew member is always interesting to guests on board as well as friends and family. Usually a crew member will say, “it’s great job if you want to travel the world”, but there is more to that answer. Therefore, this blog will explain in depth… Read More

What Should You Pack for a Cruise Ship Contract?

Cruise ship packing is always very stressful and difficult, especially when you have to pack for contracts that are longer than six months or include multiple itineraries. If one has never worked on a cruise ship before and could benefit from some advice on how to pack, below are some… Read More
